The 2011 Prime Minister’s Award for PhD thesis
Laureate of the “Homing Plus” programme of the Foundation for Polish Science
Thanks to the the “Homing Plus” programme that the main purpose is to encourage young Polish researchers, who work abroad, to return home, dr Maleszewska will receive a decent fellowship and a ...The Nencki Institute announces the additional recruitment for PhD Programme
Information about available research projects can be found at: deadline for submitting online applications is August ...
Museum at the Nencki Institute
The following dedicated members of the so-called “Museum Squad” were involved in organizing the exhibition: Maciej Czerkies, Małgorzata Broszkiewicz, Andrzej Foik, Dorota Gierej, Justyna ...Prof. Adam Szewczyk joins the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Executive Committee
He will supervise the FEBS Congresses organized by national biochemical societies in Europe.Photo shows prof. Adam Szewczyk and the President of the Polish Biochemical Society ...