
Grant from Kosciuszko Foundation for Paulina Podszywalow-Bartnicka

Dr Paulina Podszywalow-Bartnicka from the Laboratory of Cytometry awarded fellowship from the Kosciuszko Foundation, to perform studies at the Laboratory of prof. Tomasz Skorski, Temple School of Medicine in US. The project concerns studies on personalized therapies in leukemia. The Exchange program of the Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to perform advances study, research and/or teaching in the United States.


Open Day at the Nencki Institute

On May 12th at the Nencki Institute the Open Day for the PhD candidates was organized. The event was open by Dr Witold Konopka, deputy director for scientific research. Information on doctoral ...

TRI-BIO-CHEM-2016 Conference

On 5-6th May 2016 in Nasielsk in the vicinity of Warsaw a conference was held organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of Warsaw University of Technology and the Department of Chemistry, University ...