
Entomological workshop “World of insects around us” at the Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki

The entomological workshop „World of insects around us” was held at the Hydrobiological Station of the Nencki Institute in Mikołajki on 5th-11th September 2017. The main aims of the workshop consisted in popularization of various aspects of entomology, modern methods of behavioural research, and principles of sustainable development. The workshop also provided a contribution to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute.  The workshop was organized jointly ...

R.I.P. Professor Remigiusz Tarnecki

On September 1st professor Remigiusz Tarnecki passed away. He committed all of his professional life to the Nencki Institute. He initiated his research work under the guidance of professor Jerzy ...

“Art and Science” in Mikolajki

On September 17th, 2017, at the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki, the "Art and Science" Symposium entitled "BIOIMAGINE: INSPIRATION BY INVISIBLE WORLD?" was held. The ...