
Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Aging at the “Festiwal Przemiany”

From the 1st to 4th September, 2016 the Copernicus Science Centre hosted a “Festiwal Przemiany” The Nencki Institute and the Copernicus Science Center have signed a cooperation agreement whereby the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Aging got tegether to organize a temporary  exhibition entitled “Temptation of Immortality”, which deals with various aspects of longevity and with scientific research devoted to the ageing process. Moreover, prof. Ewa Sikora was invited to deliver a keynote ...

Day of the Aqatic Insects

On 19th August, 2016  the educational event entitled DAY OF THE AQATIC INSECTS took place at Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki. Guests could take part in lectures, films, as well as in the ...