Chromatin topology: the Nencki Institute involved in groundbreaking research
A popular science calendar “An ant for each day”
A popular science calendar „An ant for each day” (authors: Paweł J. Mazurkiewicz, Jarosław Szczepanik, Alex Wild, Maciej Nielubowicz i Ewa J. Godzińska, Warsaw, Script, 292 pp.) is a non-profit ...Nencki Institute Leads a Euro-BioImaging Node
On December 8, 2015 the chairman of the interim board of Euro-BioImaging (EuBI), Prof. Benjamin Geiger of the Weizmann Institute, officially announced the results of the ratification of EuBI ...Admission to PhD program is open. We invite candidates for PhD studies at the Institute of Experimental Biology PAS for application
You will be part of international team of scientists and will get to know prestigious research projects. PhD program at the Nencki Institute opens the doors to your scientific ...A Christmas party for Nencki Senior citizens community
On Wednesday, December 16th, in a beautifully decorated Konorski Conference hall of the Nencki Institute the annual Christmas party for Nencki senior citizens took place. On behalf of the ...