Wanda and Andrzej Szczepańscy Avenue in Mikołajki
Hanna Nencka at the Nencki Institute
On 29 th May, 2015, Hanna Nencka, great-granddaughter of Marcel Nencki's brother Hipolit, was a guest at the Nencki Institute. She is currently preparing a monograph about professor Marcel ...Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn has been appointed a chair of the “Mobility Plus” expert panel of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn form the Nencki Institute has been appointed as a chairwoman of the "Mobility Plus" interdisciplinary expert panel of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The ...Results of the Group Leader competition at the Nenckie Institute
The interview and selection process for the position of a Group Leader at the Nencki Institute has been completed. 43 applications were submitted for the competition. Six best suited candidates ...Anna Suska a winner of the START program
Dr Anna Suska from the Laboratory of Neurobiology at the Nencki Institute, headed by Professor Leszek Kaczmarek was awarded the START Scholarship of The Foundation for Polish Science. Dr Suska is ...