Professorial nomination to Małgorzata Skup
Cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology
On the 30th of January 2015 the Nencki Institute and the Warsaw University of Technology signed a scientific cooperation agreement. Both of the institutions will promote the development of joint ...Session of the Scientific Council at the Nencki Institute
The first session of the Scientific Council at the Nencki Institute (term 2015-2018) took place on January 23th 2015. The session was opened by Prof. Adam Zięcik, the Vice-President of the Polish ...Postdoc at the Nencki Institute – scholarship capabilities
The National Science Centre announced a FUGA 4 competition on national internships after obtaining a PhD degree. The competition will consider the projects carried out by people starting a career ...Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki
We invite you to view the current images of the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki. Night photos done by Łukasz Bożycki, a PhD student from the Laboratory of Biochemistry of ...