
A popular science calendar “An ant for each day”

A popular science calendar „An ant for each day” (authors: Paweł J. Mazurkiewicz, Jarosław Szczepanik, Alex Wild, Maciej Nielubowicz i Ewa J. Godzińska, Warsaw, Script, 292 pp.) is a non-profit educational publication published thanks to the financial suport of the Foundation for Polish Science (programme SKILLS-eNgage „Awesome world of ants”, project manager: Paweł J. Mazurkiewicz) and the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS. The team of the authors of the calendar includes two ...

PhD Students Symposium in Barcelona

On the 12-13th November 2015 the 4th IRB Barcelona PhD students symposium „Science fights back: Tackling disease to recover homeostasis” took place. Katarzyna Konarzewska, Tomasz Bednarski and ...