Iwona Ciechomska, laureate of Foundation L’OREAL for Woman in Science
Winter School “Imaging macromolecules, cells, tissue, and organs” at the Nencki Institute
We are pleased to invite Ph.D.' students and young research fellows/investigators to participate in the Winter School focusing on modern methods for imaging macromolecules, cells, tissue, and ...Educational Workshops in Mikołajki – film
We invite you to watch a film presenting Educational Workshops, which took place at the Hydrobiological Station of the Nencki Institute in Mikołajki. The workshops were organized by BioCentrum ...“Ochota na Naukę” the first meeting
The first meeting of the initiative “Ochota na Naukę” entitled “Microscopy – another dimension of reality” took place at the Nencki Institute on Thuesday (November 18th). Over 50 undergraduate ...Reporting Seminar of MSc Graduate Students from the Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
On the 6th of November (Thursday) at 9.30 a.m., in the Conference Room of the Nencki Neurobiology Centre the Reporting Seminar of MSc Graduate Students from the Department of Biology and ...