PAS GRAS scientific consortium, whose only Polish member is the Nencki Institute, is the winner of the European Commission's "Staying healthy" competition under the HORIZON-Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) program. Research at the Nencki Institute will be carried out by 3 research teams led by: Prof. Mariusz Więckowski (Laboratory of Mitochondrial Biology and Metabolism), Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn (Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Metabolic Disorders) and Dr. Grzegorz Sumara (Laboratory of Metabolic Diseases). The coordinator of PasGras activities in Poland is Prof. Mariusz Więckowski.
The project is focused on de-risking metabolic, environmental and behavioral determinants of obesity in children, adolescents and young adults. The PAS GRAS consortium will be centered on overweight/obese children, adolescents and young adults with the main objective of reversing obesity and preventing later-life comorbidities. It will be determined how the lifestyle (diet, sedentary behaviours and physical activity), mental health, social/family factors, environment, interact with each person's intrinsic psychological, genetic and metabolic characteristics. PAS GRAS will also fill critical gaps in obesity diagnosis and prognosis and food/nutrition literacy, as well as will provide a blueprint for a healthier population.
The unique multi- and interdisciplinary PAS GRAS consortium led by Prof. Paulo Oliviera from University of Coimbra consists of 11 European Universities and Research Institutions as well as non-Academic partners: European Society for Clinical Investigation (Holand); Portuguese Diabetes Association (APDP); civil association AGDCentro Gymnastics Association (Portugal) and biomedical company Mediagnost GmbH (Germany).
PAS GRAS is one of the 6 projects funded under UE Horizon RIA Program, budget of the PAS GRAS project – 9,5 mln EUR.