We are searching for an outstanding PhD student to carry out the following research supported by the POMOST project

Recently, we demonstrated that in mice mutants of calcium and calmoduline-dependent kinase (CaMKII-T286A), formation of memory is linked with training-induced upregulation of synaptic proteins PSD95, followed by persistent generation of multiinnervated spines, a type of synapse that is characterized by several presynaptic terminals contacting the same postsynaptic spine (Radwanska et al., PNAS 2011). In the current project we would like to extend our previous research and investigate the hypothesis that multiinnervated spines store memories. Toward this end a multidisciplinary approach shall be applied: behavioral studies on genetically modified mice (CaMKII-T286A) will be conduced in the automated learning cages (IntelliCages by NewBehavior AG) and combined with diolistic labeling, confocal microscopy, serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM), as well as with pharmacological and molecular investigations.

Requirements for PhD student candidate are:
• Strong interest in brain research, especially in understanding the brain-mind connection
• Master of Science degree (or equivalent) in molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, physics/biophysics, chemistry, biology, psychology, medical or veterinary sciences or related fields, obtained not later than June 2012
• Exceptional motivation for scientific research (demonstrated in former education record, additional courses completed, list of publications and conferences attended, previous scientific experience, references of the candidate`s thesis tutor, letter-of-intent)
• Proficiency in English

The application should contain the following documents/information:
• CV
• Letter-of-intent
• 2 letters of reference
• Copy of University MSc diploma or equivalent, if available
• Copy of official transcript of student record
• Contact information, including e-mail address and phone number
• The candidates may include additional information or copies of documents/certificates in support of the application, such as: additional letter(s) of reference, a list of publications, conferences and courses attended, additional skills, certificates of language proficiency, etc.

Applications in English (pdf format) may be uploaded on-line: https://recruitment.nencki.gov.pl/register.php?call=

Application deadline: April 20, 2012

Short-listed candidates with the highest score will be selected for personal interviews. Interviews will take place at the Nencki Institute in the mid of May 2012.

Start date: June 2012
Stipend amount: 3 500 PLN/month

Further information available at: http://neurogene.nencki.gov.pl/ and team@nencki.gov.pl

Date of publication
20 March 2012