XI Scientific Meeting for Teachers

The guests heard 5 lectures, which stimulated a heated discussion.
The meeting was organized under an project BIO-IMAGing in research INovation and Education (BIO-IMAGINE).

9.00-9.45 Prof. Jolanta Barańska “Studies on receptors related to G protein, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012”
9.45-10.30 Prof. Wanda Kłopocka “Migrating cells – allies or enemies”
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.45 Dr Ewa Liszewska “Nobel Prize 2012 for turning back the biological clock”
11.45-12.30 Dr Andrzej Pałucha “Personalized Medicine: What is it? What is the direction of the development of medicine?”
12.30-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.00 Mgr Renata Werpachowska “The same world, other ways of perception – autism spectrum disorder”

Date of publication
11 December 2012