Nencki research team receives an HFSP grant

entitled „The dark side of a bright molecule: Determinants of glycogen-induced cell dysfunction”. Prof. Guinovart is a geneticist from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona. Prof. Godzik is an expert in bioinformatics from Sanford – Burham Medical Research Institute, the USA.
Six hundred projects from all over the world have competed in the HFSP 2011 edition, of which twenty two have been funded.

The „Human Frontier Science Program” (HFSP) organization has been established in 1987 upon the initiative of Japanese Prime Minister at that time, Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone. Japan, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and the European Union have contributed to its budget. Each year the HFSP spends 55 million US dollars on research grants. Financed projects deal with biology, but multidisciplinary projects are favoured. Further information available at:

Date of publication
4 April 2011