The interview and selection process for the position of a Group Leader at the Nencki Institute has been completed. 43 applications were submitted for the competition. Six best suited candidates were invited for personal interviews which took place on 25th and 26th of May 2015. Laureates of the Group Leader Competition at the Nencki Institute are: dr hab. Dorota Włoga and dr Rafał Czajkowski.
Dr hab. Dorota Włoga is a cell biologist. She studies the microtubular structures, especially the molecular mechanisms that regulate assembly and function of the motile cilia.
Dr Rafał Czajkowski’s research is focused on the interactions between cortex and the hippocampus in navigation and spatial memory. Using a combination of behavior, electrophysiology, microscopy and optogenetics in order he investigates the relationships of cortical and hippocampal regions during the process of encoding and retrieval of cognitive map.