Justyna Osmulska

Order of the Rising Sun for Professor Jerzy Duszynski

Professor Jerzy Duszyński from the Nencki Institute, former President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, has been honored by the Japanese government with the Order of the Rising Sun. This honor is bestowed for special services to the country and recognizes Professor Duszynski's significant contribution to promoting scientific and technological exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries while he was President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and before he took up this ...

Nencki Foundation Lecture (in Polish)

Wykład prof. dr hab. Wodzisława Ducha pt.: „Największe wyzwanie nauki - zrozumieć jak działa mózg.” odbędzie się 22 maja 2024 r. o godz. 16:00 na platformie ZOOM pod linkiem: ...

PhD Students Seminar

We cordially invite you to the Ph.D. Seminar, which will be held on May 17, 2024 at 10.30 in the Konorski room (2nd floor). There will be 2 presentations: MSc. Maciej Gaca MSc. Dominika ...

Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear All, On Thursday 09.05 we will host Dr. Sabina Górska from Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences. Her lecture will be entitled: "Biological ...