BD FACSAria II is a high-speed cell sorter. It is equipped with a fixed-alignment flow cell cuvette which provides superior fluorescence sensitivity. It can simultaneously detect up to 11 parameters (2 scatter signals and up to 9 fluorescent parameters) by utilizing 3 air-cooled, solid state lasers (laser outputs at 405nm, 488nm and 633nm) and a fixed optical alignment system allowing for multiple configurations and a wide range of fluorochromes.

The laboratory possesses two FACSCaliburs, which are benchtop flow cytometers that provide standard multicolor analysis. They are equipped with two lasers, an air-cooled argon laser (488nm) and a red diode laser (635nm), which are spatially separated for high sensitivity needed for multicolor analysis. Up to four colors can be analyzed on this system using the 488 and 635 lasers.

The BD LSRFortessa™ cell analyzer the laboratory is equipped with offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing performance and consistency. The system includes a novel collection optics that reduce excitation losses and improve light collection efficiency. The result is optical efficiency that delivers maximal sensitivity and resolution for multicolour applications.

With five lasers, three scattering channels (FSC, blue laser SSC and violet laser SSC) and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora suits every laboratory’s needs, from simple to high complexity applications. The detection of some fluorochrome combinations by conventional flow cytometry presents a challenge due to high amounts of spectral overlap.

A fluorescent microscope consisting of an inverted, wide-field Leica DMi8 microscope with a motorized stage and the environmental chamber with temperature and CO2 concentration controller. Equipped with a fluorescent lamp and a camera. The microscope enables detection of fluorescent dyes with the emission range of 405 – 700 nm (fluo filters). Contrast methods: DIC and…

Microcapillary Guava easyCyte8HT system is very simple to operate and an alternative technology in flow cytometry. It is equipped with solid state 488nm and 640nm lasers, allowing simultaneous detection for up to 6 fluorescent parameters. The cytometer utilizes small sample volumes and requires no sheath fluid to minimize waste.

Zeiss, Germany, 2008 The device is designed for slicing paraffin- or wax-embedded tissues for biological and medical applications The microtome is equipped with a holder for blocks, histology cassettes, or biopsy cassettes. It has a water path that transports the slices to the water bath. Temperature range in water bath 10 – 50 OC, thickness range of sliced sections 0.5 – 100 μm.

JEOL Co., Japonia 2008 High-resolution transmission electron microscope with accelerating voltage up to 120 kV, magnification 50x – 1,2 mln x and resolution of 0,2 nm.

A fluorescent microscope consisting of an inverted, wide-field Leica DMI6000 microscope, with a motorized stage and an environmental chamber with the temperature and CO2 concentration controller. Equipped with a fluorescent lamp and ANDOR DU8285_VP and LEICA DCF 35DFXR2 cameras for detection. The microscope enables detection of fluorescent dyes with the emission range of 405 -…

Leica, Germany, 2016 The device is designed for the preparation of frozen sections for biological, medical, and industrial applications. Adjustable cut thickness from 1 μm to 100 μm. Cryostat chamber temperature range: 0 °C to -35 °C.