Nencki Institute Seminar
SPARK Europe Webinar Series 2024
Introduction to market research
7th February 2023 | 16-17 CET | online webinar
In this SPARK Europe webinar Nadav Ofir will explain all of the details of conducting market research for ...Nencki Institute Seminar
I would like to warmly invite you to our next Nencki Institute Seminar on the 25th of January at 3pm in the CN lecture hall. We will host Dr. Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk, (Group Leader, ...PhD defence of Magdalena Baszuk, MSc
On behalf of the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute, we would like to kindly invite you for a public PhD defence of Magdalena Baszuk, MSc „Rola treningu poznawczego w usprawnianiu umysłu ...Nencki Institute Seminar
I would like to warmly invite you to our next Nencki Institute Seminar on the 18th of January at 3pm in the CN lecture hall. We will host dr. Toufic Kassouf. Dr. Kassouf's lecture will be ...