I would like to cordially invite you to the Nencki Institute Seminar which will take place on the 22nd of February at 3pm. We will host prof. Tomáš Čižmár. He will present his lecture entitled: "How to image anywhere in the brain through 100mm thin fibre".
Light-based in-vivo brain imaging relies on the transportation of light through highly scattering tissues over long distances. As scattering gradually reduces imaging contrast and resolution, it becomes challenging to ...
I would like to cordially invite you to the Nencki Institute Seminar which will take place on the 15th of February at 3pm. We will host dr Marzena Stefaniuk (Laboratory of Neurobiology BRAINCITY, ...
I would like to warmly invite you to our next Nencki Institute Seminar on the 8th of February at 3pm in the CN lecture hall. We will host Prof. Javad Nazarian (professor at the University of ...
I would like to warmly invite you to our next Nencki Institute Seminar on the 1st of February at 3pm in the CN lecture hall. We will host dr. Dorota Gierej-Czerkies and Agnieszka Sudoł ...
Introduction to market research
7th February 2023 | 16-17 CET | online webinar
In this SPARK Europe webinar Nadav Ofir will explain all of the details of conducting market research for ...