Nencki Foundation Lecture (in polish)
Nencki Institute Seminar
Dear All,
On Thursday 17.10 we will host dr. Gergő Orbán, Computational Systems Neuroscience Lab, Wigner Institute. His lecture will be entitled: Normative theories of two-way interactions ...Nencki Institute Seminar
Dear All,
On Thursday 10.10 we will host Prof. Jan Celichowski from the Poznan University of Physical Education. His lecture will be entitled: What is the difference between the neuromuscular ...Nencki Institute Seminar
Dear All,
On Thursday 03.10 we will host dr Agnieszka Łukomska from the Laboratory of Regenerative Biology, Warsaw Medical University. Her lecture will be entitled: "Novel factors in axon ...8th International PhD Students Conference
On behalf of the Director of the Nencki Institute, Professor Agnieszka Dobrzyń, we cordially invite you to the 8th International PhD Students Conference. The meeting will be held on October 8-9, ...