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Research and development collaboration between Nencki Institute and Pikralida Sp. z o. o., to treat epileptogenesis
Nencki Institute and Pikralida Sp. z o. o. collaborate on „Use of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor to develop an innovative therapy of preventing the development of post-traumatic and ...Collaboration Agreement between Nencki Institute and Thereson S.r.l.
Nencki Institute PAS has entered a research collaboration with Thereson, a company focusing on therapeutic magnetic resonance.
Laboratory of Mitochondrial Biology and Metabolism, led by ...Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyń – member of the Council for Work and Development Plan
Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn has been appointed by Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin to the Council for Work and Development Plan. The Council's task is to develop and provide opinions on proposals for ...Nencki Institute as coordinator of the Polish node of Euro-Bioimaging
Poland has joined the Euro-BioImaging European Research Infrastructure Consortium of European countries and EMBL that provide life scientists with open access to a broad range of technologies and ...