Laureate of the “Homing Plus” programme of the Foundation for Polish Science

One of them was Dr. Krishendu Ganguly from the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, headed by Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek. Dr. Ganguly was awarded nearly 300 thousand PLN.

The main purpose of the “Homing Plus” programme is to encourage young Polish researchers, who work abroad, to return home and foreign PhDs to enter their training program in Poland. Laureates receive research scholarships of up to 5 thousand PLN monthly with a yearly research subsidy of 80 thousand PLN. The “Homing Plus” programme is executed by the Foundation for Polish Science and financed from European funds under the Operational Programme Innovation Economy 2007-2013.
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Date of publication
11 August 2010