Museum at the Nencki Institute

The following dedicated members of the so-called “Museum Squad” were involved in organizing the exhibition: Maciej Czerkies, Małgorzata Broszkiewicz, Andrzej Foik, Dorota Gierej, Justyna Karolczak, Katarzyna Wierzbicka and Katarzyna Żybura-Broda.

When you enter the Institute from the park can admire photographs of Nencki scientists at field experiments. The apparatus placed in the showcases has been in use until quite recently for histology and biochemistry research as well as physiology and hydrobiology experiments. The gem of the exhibit is a de Fonbrune microforge, which was used to prepare tools for the micromanipulation. Different kinds of histological staining of cat and dog brain sections are also displayed. You can sit at the desk for a while to read scientific news dated for 1922.

Date of publication
13 July 2011