Nencki Institute the Coordinator of a Prestigious Grant Awarded by the European Commission – Horizon Europe Mission: Cancer

Grant HORIZON-MISS-2023-CANCER-01: HIT-GLIO - Targeting tumour-host interactions in paediatric malignant gliomas to reinvigorate immunity and improve radio- and immunotherapy efficacy, coordinated by the Nencki Institute, has been awarded first place on the European Commission's ranking list, and has been selected for funding as one of four proposals.

At the Nencki Institute, the grant will be conducted by a team of scientists led by Prof. Bozena Kaminska and Dr. Katarzyna Leszczynska, from the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology.

HIT-GLIO is an international and multidisciplinary consortium, coordinated by the Nencki Institute, with 10 partners: from Poland, France, Germany Netherland, UK, Italy and Canada. The project's budget of €11.14 million is dedicated to find new ways of treating paediatric high-grade gliomas, malignant, deadly tumours developing in infants and children. The researchers using state-of-the art technologies and novel animal models will dissect tumour-host interactions to reveal novel targets allowing to find new ways to eradicate mutated tumour cells, improve efficacy of radiotherapy, and reinvigorate anti-tumour immunity. Neurodevelopmental alterations and psychological consequences of disease will be assessed and foster psychological approaches developed to increase quality-of-life of patients and caregivers. The expected outcomes of HIT-GLIO would ultimately pave the way for new clinical trials to improve the way these deadly tumours are treated.

Date of publication
17 August 2023