Postdoctoral position in the project “In search for EEG-fingerprints of cognitive functions”

Postdoctoral position in the project “In search for EEG-fingerprints of cognitive functions”.


The research funded by NCN Symfonia grant is aimed to disclose the unique sets of EEG spatio-temporo-spectral features (EEG-fingerprint, EEGfp) that are specific for activation of brain structures of attention/control networks. 

We plan to perform a set of cognitive tests activating chosen structures while registering their activity by means of EEG and fMRI. Acquired data will be analyzed with algorithms elaborated by collaborating neuroinformatics team and identified EEG-fingerprint(s) of attentional network will be verified in an experiments based on fMRI-neurofeedback.


The ideal candidate will possess PhD degree in the field of neuroscience (neurophysiology, cognitive (neuro)psychology, neuroinformatics or related fields), experience in experimental cognitive neuropsychology and in EEG recording and analysis, knowledge of main signal processing methods and programs (Matlab, SPM, Python, BESA, etc). Proficiency in spoken and written English is a must. 

We expect strong motivation, ability to work independently as well as in a collaborative team and ability to work flexitime hours.


Applications should include a motivation letter, CV with publication list, PhD diploma (or equivalent document) and three reference letters.


Application should be accompanied by the following statement:

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. 2016 r. poz. 922). [ I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.]


To apply or inquire send email to


We are accepting applications until the position is filled.


Date of publication
27 April 2017