Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute-Inauguration of New Term

It was opened by Prof. Ryszard Górecki, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Senator of the Republic of Poland.

In a secret vote, the Council unanimously elected Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek as its Chairman. Prof. Krzysztof Dołowy (from the Warsaw Univeristy of Life Sciences) and Prof. Andrzej Wróbel were elected as the Vice-Chairmen. The Council also elected Prof. Katarzyna Nałęcz as Chairman of the Committee for Doctoral Theses and Prof. Jerzy Łazarewicz (from the Mossakowski Medical Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences) as Chairman of the Committee for Ethics in Science. Prof. Maria Jolanta Rędowicz was elected the Council’s Secretary and Dr. Paweł Boguszewski and Dr. Katarzyna Piwocka as Vice-Secretaries.

The Council positively evaluated the candidacy of Prof. Jolanta Skangiel-Kramska for the Head of Postdoctoral Studies in the Nencki Institute and accepted a suggestion from the Institute’s Director, Prof. Adam Szewczyk, for the Nencki Institute to operate as part of the newly formed Division of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, the Council adopted regulations for filling new scientific positions and formulated an appeal to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education regarding the terms and conditions for participation of young researchers from the institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences without scientific positions in the Programme Mobility Plus.

Date of publication
21 January 2011