Distinguished for Working Towards Democratic Transition
Nencki Institute has signed an agreement with Bio-Tech Consulting
European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in the Nencki Institute
Step 1: Internal Analysis The Charter & Code undersigning Research Institution (R.I.) makes an internal analysis.
Step 2: Publication of HR Strategy
The institution ...
The Nencki Award 2012
The Award was presented to the Laureate by Prof. Małgorzata Kossut, the Committee Chairperson on May 28th. During the ceremony Dr. Korn presented the lecture on Myosin Then and Myosin Now ...BRAIN TUMORS 2012-FROM BIOLOGY TO THERAPY CONFERENCE
We had 28 distinguished speakers (5 from Poland) from leading institutions engaged in brain tumor studies and therapy: University of Huston MD Anderson Cancer Center, Cleveland Clinic, University ...