The 2013 Prime Minister’s Award
Laureate of the “BRIDGE” programme of the Foundation for Polish Science
The objective of the project “Role of Lipocalin 2 in the structural plasticity of neurons” is to investigate the effect of protein LCN2 on the structure of the dendritic tree of neurons. Our ...Head of the neurobiology centre of the Nencki Institute
His career in intellectual property and project management began in 2009, when he undertook the role of patent agent and European patent attorney applicant at the WTS Patent Attorneys practice ...SYMFONIA grant from the National Science Centre (NCN) for Prof Jerzy Duszyński abd prof. Andrzej Wróbel
We are pleased to announce that two of these prestigious grants have been awarded to our colleagues from the Nencki Institute: - Prof. Jerzy Duszyński for a project entitled Novel ...
MAESTRO grants from the National Science Centre (NCN) for Prof Katarzyna Kwiatkowska
The prestigious MAESTRO 4 grant (for experienced scientists to carry out pioneering interdisciplinary research important for the advancement of science beyond the current state of knowledge, ...