
Prestigious award for Łukasz Bożycki

A PhD student from the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Lipids, Łukasz Bożycki, has won an award in an international photo competition Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (WPY 2014) which was organized by the BBC and the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London. His work "Domowik, guardian spirit of the house ', represents a red-haired bat in a destroyed bunker from the Second World War, the picture was commissioned by National Geographic Poland. Łukasz Bożycki has covered more than 60 ...

Congress BIO 2014 in Warsaw

Four Polish Scientific Societies: the Biochemical Society, the Society for Cell Biology, the Biophysical Society and the Bioinformatics Society, for the first time organize in Warsaw, on 9-12 ...