
The Second Annual Symposium “Neurons in Action” at the Nencki Institute

On May 25-26, the Second Annual Symposium "Neurons in Action" was held at the Nencki Institute. Eight outstanding foreign lecturers were invited. Leaders of the research teams of the Nencki Institute and Ochota Campus presented their last achievements. PhD students took part in the poster session. More info:

Award for Marek Zorawski

III International Conference of Cell Biology took place on 26-27.05.2017 at the Institute of Zoology of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. At this conference, Marek Zorawski received a ...

Nencki Edu Tube

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute, together with the Marceli Nencki Foundation for Support of Biological Sciencesis, we have initiated a creation on the You Tube ...