HFSP Grant for prof. Grzegorz Wilczyński team
The Magic of Big Blue at the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki
On Saturday, March 18th, 2017 at the Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki took place the underwater movie show The Magic of Big Blue by Darek Sepioło. Our guests have watched four films about the ...Scholarship holders from the National Children’s Fund at the Nencki Institute
Every year scholarship holders from the National Children’s Fund visit the Nencki Institute. On March 6th, 2017 a presentation of the Institute took place. The guests listened to two lectures ...The Commemorative Medal for the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute PAS
During the session of the Scientific Council of February 24th, 2017, which presents the achievements of the Nencki Institute PAS in 2016, director prof. Adam Szewczyk honored dr hab. Ewelina ...Another product from Nencki to pharmacies
The project of the National Research and Development Centre PBS1/B8/1/2012, the beneficiaries of which were the Nencki Institute PAS (Laboratories prof. Jerzy Duszyński and prof. Adam Szewczyk) ...