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Medals awarded for the 100th Anniversary of the Nencki Institute
The director of the Nencki Institute, prof. Adam Szewczyk, in recognition of special merits for the development of the Institute, has awarded medals for the 100th anniversary of the Nencki ...Medal of the 100th Anniversary of the Nencki Institute for the Polish Neuroscience Society
On January 24th, 2018, during the solemn scientific meeting of the Department of Neurophysiology of the Nencki Institute, the Institute Director, prof. Adam Szewczyk, gave thnaks for the many ...Nencki Art Collection
The day of January 30th , 2018 was the last day of the exhibition "Bioimagine: Inspiration of Invisible World?” at the Nencki Institute PAS. However, on January 17th , 2018 the Director of the ...An exhibition marking the 100th Anniversary of the Nencki Institute
On January 24th, 2018 on the fence of the Nencki Institute PAN off Pasteur Street, an exhibition of photographs to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Institute was set up. 14 pictures ...