
New Measures of Cancer Stemness and its Impact on Cancer Progression – publication in Cell Journal Co-Authored By Prof. Bożena Kamińska from Nencki Institute

Professor Bożena Kamińska, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, is a co-author of a paper entitled: "Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation”, published in Cell Journal. Tumors are traditionally evaluated and classified according to their histopathological features. The microscopic manifestation of a tumor reflects the sum of its underlying genomic alterations, however, morphologically, similar tumors can have distinct ...

European Patent for Prof. Ewa Sikora

On 31st January 2018, the European Patent Office granted a European patent, numbered 2 976 433, for the invention entitled "METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF BIOLOGICAL AGE IN HUMAN BEINGS". This ...