
R.I.P. Professor Remigiusz Tarnecki

On September 1st professor Remigiusz Tarnecki passed away. He committed all of his professional life to the Nencki Institute. He initiated his research work under the guidance of professor Jerzy Konorski when the Institute still operated in Łodź where he conducted research on brain physiology. As a student and long-time colleague of Jerzy Konorski he addressed the functional importance of motor-sensory region of the cerebral cortex for generation of instrumental conditioned responses. By ...

“Art and Science” in Mikolajki

On September 17th, 2017, at the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki, the "Art and Science" Symposium entitled "BIOIMAGINE: INSPIRATION BY INVISIBLE WORLD?" was held. The ...