
Researchers from the Nencki Institute in the Scientific Committees of PAN

The Polish Academy of Sciences presented results of the elections for the Scientific Committees for the 2020-2023 term. 9 scientists from the Nencki Institute were among the newly elected members. The Committee on Molecular Biology of the Cell: Prof. Anna Filipek; Prof. Katarzyna Nałęcz; Prof. Maria Jolanta Rędowicz; Prof. Adam Szewczyk. The Committee on Neurobiology: Prof. Katarzyna Łukasiuk; Dr. Kasia Radwańska, Professor of the Institute; Prof. Małgorzata Skup; Prof. Urszula ...

Nencki Institute Christmas Meeting

On 19 December 2019, in the exhibition hall of the Neurobiology Centre, the annual Christmas meeting of the Nencki Institute was held. The meeting began with a speech by the Director of the ...