Professor Maciej Nałęcz at the Nencki Institute
The Nencki Institute at the 20. Scientific Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicuse Science Centre
The 20. Scientific Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre was held at the National Stadium on May 7th, 2016. This year’s motto was: HEALTH. The Jubilee Picnic was attended by a ...Third call for applications for Bio4Med: Biology for Medicine, International PhD Programme, conducted by the Nencki Institute
Nencki Institute curries out the International PhD Studies co-funded by a grant from the prestigious European Union Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND program since October 2015. 22 foreign doctoral ...New Coordinator of the Alumni Club at the Nencki Institute
Alumni Club run at the Nencki Institute by prof. Jolanta Barańska, from April 1st, 2016 has a new coordinator dr. hab. Joanna Szczepanowska from the Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Biological ...3 x Polish Clawed Birds at the Nencki Institute
An exhibition entitled 3 x Polish clawed birds was opened on the 30th March, 2016 in the Exhibition Hall of the Nencki Institute (Neurobiology Centre). The exhibit shows 32 photographs by Marek ...