
The 4th PhD Conference at the Nencki Institute

On October 2nd-3rd 2019, in the lecture hall of the CN, the 4th Conference of PhD students of the Nencki Institute took place. The conference was inaugurated by dr hab. Artur Marchewka, the organizer of the Conference. As in previous years, during the two-day conference, PhD students of the Institute presented the results of their research in the form of longer (15 min.) or shorter (5 min.) presentations and posters. The conference ended with a lecture by Professor John Mattick, from Green ...

BRAINCITY symposium

The first scientific symposium of the Center of Excellence for Neural Plasticity and Brain Disorders: BRAINCITY, the Nencki-EMBL Partnership, was held on 22nd July 2019 at the Nencki ...