The Workshop 3D Imaging and Mapping of Elements by X-Ray Microanalysis in Electron Microscopy
Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek nominated to join the National Science Centre Council
The Council is responsible for designing the calls for proposals announced by the National Science Centre, through which researchers apply for research funding for projects conducted at Polish ...Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek the Vicepresident of the European Molecular Biology Conference
EMBC ( is intergovernemental organization including 27 member states and financing as well supervising activities of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, ...Inauguration of Nencki Foundation
During the meeting Prof. L. Wojtczak presented a short history of the Foundation and its mission, Prof. S. Kasicki laid out the plans for the Foundation’s activities, and Prof. L. Kuźnicki ...DOC 2012 CONFERENCE
During the conference different career paths following PhD have been presented: scientific research, work in pharmaceutical firms and non-governmental organizations and teaching. The ...