
Jan Dembowski Conference Hall at the Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki

On September 30th, 2017 at the Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki a ceremony took place naming the conference hall prof. Jan Bohdan Dembowski (1889-1963) - Polish biologist, physiologist, etologist, Director of the Nencki Institute (1947-1961), head of the Department of Cell Biology (1945-1961), initiator of the creation of the Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki in 1951. The great propagator of science, author of the book Natural History of One Protozoan (1924). Professor ...

Next products with Dr Irena Eris

In autumn 2015 the project of the National Center for Research and Development (PBS1/B8/1/2012) was completed, with the beneficiaries of the Nencki Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences ...

The New Nencki Institute Guidebook

In reference to the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute, a new edition of the Nencki Institute's Guidebook "100 years 1918-2018" has been published. Apart from the historical ...