Under the YOUTH CLUB series high school students could attend lectures on biology, which greatly helped those students who are taking advanced biology on their high school exam:
44. A good and bad cholesterol and how does it work. E. Wyroba
45. Do biological membranes connect or separate? Transporting systems for low molecular weight compounds. K. Nałęcz
46. Migrating cells – allies or enemies W. Kłopocka
47. Evolution of the nervous system. K. Turlejski
The THEMATIC CLUBS series offered lecturers under the common title „TO BE HEALTHY”:
155. Malaria and linked congenital anemias – the most dangerous diseases in the world. T. Wilanowski
156. One world – two faces. How does an autistic person’s brain process information? J. Grochowska
157. The healthy brain is not trustworthy. A. Wróbel
158. The spine – its mechanics and function. P. Górski, R. Krasicki
All lectures aroused great interest. To accommodate all participants the meetings took place in both conference rooms available at the Nencki Institute. Thanks to Nencki’s videoconferencing system everyone in the audience could participate in the presentations and contribute to the interesting, although difficult at times, discussion
This year Nencki PhD candidates prepared various activities for the EVENING WITH THE SCIENCE
“Evening with biology” (215) covered workshops, where participants sought answers to questions such as: How to extract genetic material from an onion? What do live human nervous cells look like? How do protozoa move? Why do we succumb to optical illusions? Numerous enthusiasts of biology stayed at Nencki until late at night.
Nencki’s contribution to the 16th Science Festival has been coordinated and supervised by Anna Wasik.
Please go to: www.festiwalnauki.edu.pl for more information.