The National Science Centre’s grants for the Nencki Institute

The National Science Centre has published ranking lists of projects which have qualified for financial backing within the limits of the competitions announced by the NSC on 16th June, 2014. Scientists from the Nencki Institute received financial backing for the 4 research projects they worked on in MAESTRO 6, HARMONIA 6 and SONATA Bis 4competitions.


MAESTRO – competition for experienced scientists to carry out pioneering interdisciplinary research important for the advancement of science beyond the current state of knowledge, capable of producing breakthrough scientific results


prof. dr hab. Anna Maria Grabowska - Searching for mechanisms of dyslexia: a multidimensional study of cognitive deficits and their neural underpinings


HARMONIA competition for research projects carried out in the framework of international cooperation with international non-co-funding.


dr Artur Marcin Marchewka - Modality-general and modality-specific plastic changes when learning a second language

dr hab. Dorota Włoga - New cilia motility regulators.


SONATA Bis – competition addressed to researchers with 2-12 years scientific experience since their PhD award.  


 dr Rafał Czajkowski - The role of retrosplenial cortex in spatial memory and navigation.

Date of publication
10 February 2015