VIII Meeting of Confocal Microscopes Users at the Nencki Institute

Between 3-5 of June 2014 Nencki Institute of Developmental Biology will be hosting “VII Meeting of Confocal Microscopes Users”. The main goal of the workshop is to introduce the participants to the capabilities and handling procedures of the confocal systems available in the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function in Neurobiology Center Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology: laser scanning confocal microscope Zeiss  LSM 780, multiphoton microscope LSM 7 MP, spinning disc confocal microscope Cell Observer SD, field emission scanning electron microscope SIGMA 3 View, as well as novel systems provided by Zeiss: Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) with Lightsheet Z.1., Fluorescence Stereo Zoom Microscope for Large Fields Axio Zoom.V16 and laser scanning confocal microscope LSM 700. During the lectures and practical workshops the participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with advanced microscopy techniques such as: FRET, FRAP, FCS and 3VIEW. The lectures and practical workshops will be given by the specialists, who have many years of experience in advanced microscopy techniques and  for whom microscopy is a basic experimental tool.

Date of publication
22 May 2014