SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All,

Please feel  invited to participate in the next webinar of the SPARK Europe Education Webinar series, on January 11th, 2022, 16-17 CET held by SPARK Tel Aviv.

In this SPARK Europe Webinar  "A view from the Bridge: Drug development from the perspective of a Venture Capital fund bridging the gap between Academic research and Industry"Dr. Ariel Kamsler,  will shed light on the path of a therapeutic from lab to clinic - how much does it cost, how the process may be funded and especially - what to show within the project to interest your funding partners. Ariel holds a PhD in neurobiology from Weizmann Institute and after a postdoc position at MIT moved to industry. Worked for pharma (Teva, CTS pharmaceutical industries, RDD pharma) and now is involved in Israel Biotech Fund. In the flayer, you can find detailed information on the webinar.

Please register here: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctdOugpz0sH9WItrP-mC5LI6HdRsBI2xEJ


Also please feel invited to the next  webinar in the Fall 2022 series after the upcoming one 25 Jan 2023 16 CET "Team building and how to establish a company" Namir Hassa (CEO Zelluna Immunotherapy AS) - SPARK Norway details will follow in the upcoming weeks.


Data publikacji
10 stycznia 2023
Data wydarzenia