
The National Science Centre Grants HARMONIA and SONATA BIS for the Nencki Institute

The National Science Centre has announced the ranking lists of projects approved for funding in MAESTRO, HARMONIA and SONATA Bis calls. Scientists from the Nencki Institute received financial support for 1 research project in HARMONIA 10 and for 1 project in SONATA Bis 8 competitions. HARMONIA dr Paulina Podszywałow-Bartnicka - Role of RNA binding proteins in resistance to therapy of leukemia cells in bone marrow niche   SONATA Bis dr hab. Artur Marcin Marchewka - The ...

USA Patent for the Nencki Institute

The U.S. Patent Office has granted the USA patent, numbered US 15/553,575, for the invention entitled ‘A METHOD FOR THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF A PRE-DIABETIC STATE AND TYPE 2 DIABETES’. The patent is ...