
Results of the Group Leader competition at the Nenckie Institute

The interview and selection process for the position of a Group Leader at the Nencki Institute has been completed. 43 applications were submitted for the competition. Six best suited candidates were invited for personal interviews which took place on 25th and 26th of May 2015. Laureates of the Group Leader Competition at the Nencki Institute are: dr hab. Dorota Włoga and dr Rafał Czajkowski.   Dr hab. Dorota Włoga is a cell biologist. She studies the microtubular structures, ...

Nencki Award for prof. Asla Pitkänen

May 13th at 15:00 in the Neurobiology Centre Lecture Room the Nencki Award was presented to prof. Asla Pitkänen, A.I.Virtanen Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Kupio. Laureate ...

Iain Mattaj at the Nencki Institute

On 11th May, 2015, prof. Iain W. Matt, the General Director of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg was a guest at the Nencki Institute. The possibilities of ...