
Summer Holiday Brain Days in Mikołajki

Summer Holiday Brain Days, organized by Laboratory of Neuroplasticity at the Hydrobiological Station of The Polish Academy of Sciences in Mikołajki, took place  from July 21st to 23rd.  Lectures about brain function, diseases and behavior were given by Prof. Anna Członkowska, Prof. Ewa J. Godzińska, mgr Aleksandra Kołodziej, Dr Monika Liguz-Lęcznar and  Prof. Andrzej Wróbel. Workshops were run by young scientists from The Nencki Institute - Anna Bartkowiak-Kaczmarek, Maria Bierzyńska, ...

Hanna Nencka at the Nencki Institute

On 29 th May, 2015, Hanna Nencka, great-granddaughter of  Marcel Nencki's  brother Hipolit, was a guest at the Nencki Institute. She is currently  preparing a monograph about professor Marcel ...