Another Fulbright scholar at the Nencki Institute
Ilona Kotlewska-Waś – Fulbright scholarship holder
Ilona Kotlewska-Waś, PhD student in the Laboratory of Psychophysiology (supervisor: Anna Nowicka), received a prestigious Fulbright scholarship: Fulbright Junior Advanced Research Award. This ...Theophrastus Award for Łukasz Bożycki
Łukasz Bożycki, a PhD student in the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Lipids received the Theophrastus Award for the best popular science psychological book of the year. The award was established ...First place of Piotr Dzwiniel in competition Technotalent 2016 in category Inspirations
Piotr Dzwiniel, a doctoral student in the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Vision was selected to the short list of finalists of the competition Technotalent 2016 in the special category ...A Christmas party for Nencki senior citizens community
On Wednesday, December 14th, in a beautifully decorated Konorski Conference hall of the Nencki Institute the annual Christmas party for Nencki senior citizens took place. On behalf of the ...