
Human’s and animal’s emotions – New Laboratory at the Nencki Institute

Research activities of the new laboratory are focused on two main topics. Studying neural mechanisms of impaired social behaviors involves standardization of a battery of high-throughput behavioral measures, characterization of neuronal circuits governing socially transferred emotions and validation of tissue-specific therapeutic intervention using mice models of synaptopathies relevant to autism spectrum disorders. In another line of studies we study the brain circuits and cellular ...

New Laboratory at he Nencki Institute

This lab is focused on cellular and molecular mechanisms of heart dysfunctions. The research involves in vivo and in vitro studies of signaling pathways and transcription factors associated with ...

EMBO Installation Grant

The 50 000 EUR a year grant (for a maximum of five years) is intended to enable young, scientist to establish her own research group and launch her own research programmes that will be focused on ...