Regulation of amino acid/carnitine transporter B0,+ (ATB0,+) in astrocytes by protein kinase C: Independent effects on raft and non-raft subpopulations
Tubulin binding protein, CacyBP/SIP, induces actin polymerization and may link actin and tubulin cytoskeletons
Cytoskeleton, which is built by three types of structural elements: microtubules, intermediate filaments and actin filaments, provides mechanical strength to a cell and plays an active role in ...Implicit phonological and semantic processing in children with developmental dyslexia: Evidence from event-related potentials
Developmental dyslexia is a specific learning disability that affects reading acquisition, and that is estimated to affect 5-12% of school-age children. It is characterized by a core phonological ...Nencki Newsletter
Variability of Visual Responses of Superior Colliculus Neurons Depends on Stimulus Velocity
When information about the external world enters the brain through the sensory receptors, physical properties of the stimulus are encoded into sequences of identical electrical impulses in neural ...