The first meeting of the BIO-IMAGINE Steering Committee at the Nencki Institute

Ten of the twelve members of the PSC participated in the meeting: Prof. Richard Frackowiak from UNIL-CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, Prof. Daniel Choquet from the CNRS-Universite de Bordeaux 2, France, Prof. Daniela Corda from the Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Italy, Dr. Stefan Diez from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany, Dr. Rainer Pepperkok from the EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, Dr. Gabor Lamm from the EMBLEM GmBH, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. Jacek Kuznicki from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland, Ms. Anna Wisniewska from the National Contact Point, Warsaw, Poland, Mr. Tomasz Wazbinski, Deputy Director of the Office of Mazovia Voivodship Marshall, and Prof. Jerzy Duszynski from the Nencki Institute – the Steering Committee Chairman.

Specific Project objectives, detailed structure and expected BIO-IMAGINE impacts were presented to the Project Steering Committee members. The Project Coordinator, Prof. Adam Szewczyk and the Work Package leaders presented brief reports on the Project activities and achievements of the first 5 months of BIO-IMAGINE implementation.

As a result of the meeting a list of recommendations for the Project Management Committee was presented by the PSC, including a suggestion to develop detailed long-term and short-term scientific strategies for the Nencki Institute. The minutes from the meeting will soon be available at the BIO-IMAGINE website.

The Project is co-financed by the European Commission within the FP7 Capacities programme, under contract no 264173.

Date of publication
6 June 2011