The National Science Centre has published the ranking lists of projects which have qualified for financial backing within the limits of the competitions announced by the NCN on 16th September, 2013. Scientists from the Nencki Institute received financial backing for the execution of 4 research projects in OPUS 6 and PRELUDIUM 6 competitions.
OPUS - Competition for research projects, which included financing the purchase or production of research equipment necessary for the implementation of these projects
dr hab. Tomasz Wilanowski - Post-translational mechanisms of regulation of the activity of transcription factors from the Grainyhead-like family in the context of human cancer
dr hab. Ewelina Knapska - Neuronal circuits in central amygdala underlying socially transferred fear
dr hab. Krzysztof Zabłocki - Abnormal metabotropic-nucleotide-receptors (P2Y) - dependent calcium response in myoblasts derived from mouse with mutated dystrophin encoding gene
PRELUDIUM - Competition for research projects carried out by people starting a career in science who do not hold a doctor’s degree.
mgr Weronika Duda - Functional and anatomical substrate of working memory in the rat model; role of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex